From: Janet Reed
Sent: Mon 11/23/09 11:35 AM
Dear Henry, I don't know how to do a picture, but
I will do my testimonial.
I work for high stress level job which at times, causes me much pain in my back
and in my neck. Before I met Henry, there wasn't a lot I
can do. When I met Henry, he suggested I give his machine
a try. It was just amazing on how it relaxed me and took my pain away. This was
the first time in years, which I was able to relax and have a really good
night sleep.
Now when I feel this tension coming on, I make an appointment to have a
treatment done. This has been great and I don‘t have to live with pain.
My mother, who is 91 years old, fell and dislocated her shoulder, and she was
in a lot of pain. With a couple of treatments, her pain went away and is
now doing really well. She can move her shoulder without any pain. This
machine is amazing in relieving pain. I recommend everyone to try it that is
suffering from pain.